Member Benefits
There are numerous benefits to being a member of a local Village.
As a member of a Village, you will have access to fun and interesting events, community support, and a vetted vendor network to help you live comfortably and safely at home.
Among the benefits of being a member are:
Concierge Service
• One-stop call number for general assistance or questions
• A central number and email for service requests
• Friendly, familiar professional staff to answer your calls
• Confidential interactions
Social and Educational Events
• Monthly coffees, luncheons, and potlucks
• Happy hour gatherings
• Book clubs, hiking groups, and domino games
• Seminars and presentation on topics of interest to members
• Trips to the museum, show or movies
• Invitations to events at other local Villages
• Medical appointments
• Grocery shopping
• Errands (bank, pharmacy, stores)
• The Village's social events and programs
• Other transportation as needed and available
In-Home Assistance
• Technical assistance and training on computer, iPads, Smartphones
• Assistance with minor household tasks (changing batteries, filters, lights, handyman repairs)
• Pet care or dog walking
• Companionship visits
• Picking up mail or prescriptions or handling errands
Personal Support
• Support and referrals in locating home care providers and services
• Referrals and assistance with life changes associated with aging
• Access to member/volunteer referrals for a wide variety of services
• Daily check-ins with Village volunteers
Service Providers
When members need services that require more assistance or expertise than what our volunteers provide, the Village can often put you in touch with a trustworthy individual or organization to do the job. These are “for pay” services above the dues for membership in the Village.