Helpful Village 101 Q&A Webinar
Wednesday, March 19th at 2 PM Eastern (11 AM Pacific)
Please use the contact form to register for this Free webinar
Aging at Home
90% of Older Adults want to age in their own homes. That's now possible with a Village and a little help from your Neighbors.

Carol Donohue
"We consider Helpful Village our partner. They remain committed to their roots of enabling aging-in-place communities with technology to support their mission and always have their clients evolving needs in mind. For example, early in the pandemic, HV acted quickly with a solution to help us connect with members and track their well-being info in our village software so we could follow them over time."

Jeanne Ekdahl
Carquinez Village was one of the first villages to join Helpful Village, while we were still just a few interested people considering whether we could make a village happen. After the first time I met Manuel in July of 2017, I came back to the fledgling “steering committee” and said I’d manage the virtual office if we joined Helpful Village. That’s how impressed I was with Manuel’s vision and his inspiration for creating it: his mother needed a village!
Benicia, California, is a small town, and Carquinez Village still doesn’t have a paid director or administrator, yet we were successful from launch and currently serve over 100 members; I don’t see how this would have been possible without Helpful Village!
As the platform has grown to include villages from all over the country and services unimaginable just a few years ago, I watch Helpful Village’s expansion with pride. I like to say that our success depends on its success, and Manuel has always seemed to understand that the success of Helpful Village depends on the success of the individual villages using it as well. I like to say I’m HV’s biggest fan as well as (on occasion), it’s loudest critic!

Carol Cookson
"As a new village, we did our homework before selecting a village operating system. We found Helpful Village to be competitive in pricing, user-friendly, and offered more features than others. After a free trial period, we enthusiastically subscribed to Helpful Village. Their customer service has been friendly and prompt, especially to a new user during our learning phase. The thing that I find most impressive about Helpful Village is that they ask their users how the system can be improved and create updates based on user feedback. "
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Helpful Village was selected as one of the most promising Startups from UC-Berkeley and the whole University of California System in 2016!