AUGUST 31ST 2017
A couple of months ago we came up with a new initiative: creating a Helpful Village Users Group. The idea was to bring our users together, offer a communication platform where we would present our latest updates, answer technical inquiries and promote the exchange of our customers’ best practices.
We reached out to our Helpful Village users and an overwhelming majority of them enthusiastically answered our call in no time. Coordinated by Andy Amstutz, the dynamic and tech-savvy Lamorinda Village Board Member, our group held its first online session on August 31st. During this first one-hour meeting we discussed the Users Group’s objectives, we answered inquiries and Manuel, our CEO, did a demo on how to manage event organization on the Helpful Village platform.
We are delighted to see how receptive our villages have been to the project, ready to come on board and follow Andy’s energetic coordination. We cannot thank Andy too much for his generous collaboration: thanks to him, we will now be able to collect all our users’ requests regarding the improvement they wish to see in our program and we will tailor our software to our customers’ expectations. Indeed, our goal is -and has always been- to offer a service that responds in every way to the villages’ demands. We want you, dear villagers, to take part in the design of our program because let’s not forget it was created for you with a unique goal: providing an easy-to-use, intuitive platform that would support the extraordinary sense of social solidarity conveyed by the Village Movement.
So thank you, dear villagers, for being present; thank you, Andy, for your involvement; and thank you, Village to Village Network, for letting us use your platform to hold our monthly meetings and making our sessions public.
We remind you all that our next online meeting will take place on September 28th and that all villagers -Helpful Village users and non-users- are warmly welcome! For any information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us: [email protected].
See you soon!
Start-up of the University of California Accelerator 2016 (Berkeley)
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