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The Villager Profile


Helpful Village announced last week a major addition to our software package:  "The Villager Profile"

On the latest release of our Village Management Platform, Members and Volunteers have the possibility to manage their personal profile themselves, upload a profile picture and write a personal bio that allows them to introduce themselves to the rest of the Village.

At first, this might seem like a small change but we believe it is actually a big deal! The first generation of Villages was pretty much offline, and that was fine, but nowadays Older Adults expect a rich online interaction with their Village. When our founder, Manuel Acevedo, started Helpful Village four years ago he anticipated that Villagers would expect a rich online interaction with their Village and from day one Volunteers were able to review pending opportunities and they also were able to volunteer online in real-time, 24/7.

Allowing Villagers to edit their own Profile is one additional step towards Online Villages, a richer Villager experience.

Online Villages

Online Villages are more cost-effective

Besides offering a better level of service to their members and volunteers, online Villages are more cost-effective organizations and we can illustrate this with an example: with our new release, Village volunteers can go online and update their vacation periods themselves (no need to call the office anymore).

If you want to learn more about the new Villager Profile or share with us your views about the need for Villages to become more interactive, please do not hesitate to leave us a message on our website or social media accounts. I promise we will review your feedback as we prepare big steps towards an even richer online experience for Villagers in early 2020.

As 2019 comes to an end, we also wanted to say 'Thank you' to the numerous Village leaders that work with us all year long to build a better tool to support their local communities. It is a privilege to collaborate with so many local heroes across the country and from the Helpful Village team, we wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

- Manuel Acevedo

Helpful Village Founder + CEO



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