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What we learned at the Village Conference

Helpful Village Team

This year was Helpful Village's fourth time attending the National Village Conference hosted by the Village to Village Network. The Conference was an incredible event that brought Village Leaders from all over the country (and world!) to meet and talk about the Village Movement. The week spent in Chicago was packed with stimulating lectures, refreshing breakout sessions, and thought-provoking discussions.

Our team had the privilege to present at the conference and it was a blast! Many Village leaders appreciated the ease-of-use and tools we presented. With that, Helpful Village was voted by conference participants as the "Most Likely to Buy" Technology of the Conference!

One of the main concepts throughout the entire Conference was the importance and power of smart data and using it for building a strategic vision for Villages. Here at Helpful Village we whole-heartedly agree! That is why we have worked hard building the new Executive Reports that we debuted in Chicago during our presentation! We showed that with a press of a button, Village Leaders can see where their Village is and where they are headed.

During the Conference, we were able to spend time with so many familiar faces as well as new ones! Did you see us at the Conference?

Interested in learning more about Helpful Village? Contact us or request a free 30-day trial (no-strings-attached!)

We are thrilled to welcome more Villages to the Helpful Village Platform!

St. James Nest Southport, NC

Barnstable Neighbor 2 Neighbor Cape Cod, MA 

Village in the Ville Columbus, OH

Village Central Columbus, OH

Seabrook Island Village  Seabrook Island, SC

Rivers East Village Milwaukie, OR

Rainy Day Village Manzanita, OR

Golden Gate Village San Francisco, CA

Lake Barcroft Village Church Falls, VA

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