The Village to Village Network
In 2010, the Village to Village Network – a national organization that collaborates to maximize the growth, impact and sustainability of individual Villages and the Village Movement – was formed. The Network provides expert guidance, resources and support to help communities establish and maintain their Villages. The Village Movement started with Beacon Hill Village in Boston over 15 years ago and today there are over 240 open Villages and more than 100 in development in 41 states and the District of Columbia. Village to Village Network and the Village Movement will not only impact Villages and their members, but the lives of countless families, caregivers and members of the broader community they serve.

The Village to Village Network is the essential tool that enables community members to build and sustain thriving Villages. The Network creates interactions that connect Villages with resources, education and expertise.
Through innovation, collaboration, advocacy and inclusion, the Village to Village Network expands opportunity, choice, support and care for all older people.
Practice consensus and transparency at all levels of the community support the practice and principle of reciprocity and the intentional exchange of ideas, approaches, learnings and shared wisdom create innovative programs that help develop Village leadership provide a forum for member Villages to share knowledge about their issues and successes.
Helpful Village is the EASY-to-USE Software provider for Villages and the Village to Village Network is the National Association of Villages, both organizations collaborate to help Villages establish successful operations in their local communities. Helpful Village is a proud sponsor of the Village to Village Network.